
Episode 6 - 8.10.21 - Habits

 8.10.21 Transformation Tuesday –  Habits ***Trigger Warning: discussion of dietary changes, diet culture, and the diet industry*** Hello! And welcome to Episode 6 of the Recovering Trash Person Podcast! Today is Transformation Tuesday and today I’m going to talk about habits. Merriam-Webster defines a habit as: “ a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior.” As many of us know, habits can increase our potential and contentment or they can take away from those things that make us feel productive and have a sense of purpose. Many times, we associate certain things as good or bad habits, for sake of neutrality and to diminish the amount of shame and guilt we place on ourselves, I challenge you to not judge your habits, but rather label them as: things I do, things I want to do, and things I want to stop doing. Going into any lifestyle change with judgment, at least in my experience, tends to set me up for failure. However, neutrally identifying areas of my life I want to change

Episode 5 - 8.9.21 - Empaths, HSPs, and the Dark Triads

Episode 5 – 8.9.21 – Mental Heath Monday Empaths, Dark Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Hello! And welcome to Episode 5 of the Recovering Trash Person Podcast! Today is Mental Health Monday and I am going to discuss the differences and similarities between Empaths and Highly Sensitive People (or HSPs) and also discuss a topic that has come to my attention in the past year: The Dark Empath. I, personally, identify with both labels empath and HSP. First, let’s define all of three. Medical News Today defines Empath as: “someone who feels more empathy than the average person. These people are  usually more accurate in recognizing emotions  by looking at another person’s face. They are also more likely to recognize emotions earlier than other people and rate those emotions as being more intense.” Dr. Judith Orloff explains the difference between an empath and an HSP: “ Empaths share all the traits of what Dr. Elaine Aron has called “Highly Sensitive People,” or HSPs. These in